Reducing our carbon footprint

Reducing our carbon footprint

I always wonder what sort of world my children will grow up in. As a family we enjoy the outdoors and are very lucky to live in the New Forest. It’s something that many take for granted and it's sad to think it may not be around forever. For our kids, global warming will be something they have to battle with and this will have unprecedented changes around the world. I think if we all make small changes with the environment in mind, it would make a large overall impact and make the world a better place for the next generation and generations to come.
This is why I take global warming seriously and the impact my business has on it.

Some ways that we try and make a positive impact;

  • We are proud lifetime members of the Woodland Trust who are dedicated to building a greener future in the UK. See the amazing work they do here Woodland Trust.
  • All of our packaging is 100% recyclable and FSC® certified.
  • Our frames are manufactured in the UK using Polcore®, a recycled polystyrene – an alternative picture moulding material to wood.
  • Our newly built office uses solar panels generating renewable energy. Any electricity we do not generate ourselves, we source from 100% renewable suppliers.

I will continue pushing my business into a greener way of working.

All the best x